Elder Bullys Haters Threaten to Kill 70 Year Old Man on Craigslist!

Monday Feb 2 2015
 I have not posted anything all weekend (berkeley)
Somebody else has been posting from Berkeley. I once used the moniker Busby Berkeley, but then somebody stole that, so I don't know how to differentiate myself so that people know I'm the German. But be assured that the poster who insulted the petty officer was definitely not me. Don't challenge me, I'm an out of shape 70-year-old man, it would be elder abuse to beat me up.
THIS POSTED from Santa Cruz----(Not In Berkeley usually posts from South Bay Area or Pennisula. The "Not in Berkeley troll" has a Well Documented History of Posting Many Many libelious attacks under "berkeley" & "busby berkeley" location. Obviously while The Genuine poster from Berkeley was on Vacation, he went crazy again!

I am half Icelandic/German ()
In case all of you liberals forgot people other than blacks were slaves, ( Al Sharpton)
First, before the Germans were known as German they were the visigoths.
The Visigoths were enslaved by the Romans until the uprising and the Romans were eventually slaughtered.
Before that the Visigoths lived amongst the Romans.Chances are a Roman raped my greatest of great grandma
Back in the day before Iceland was settled the island had zero inhabitants. When the Norwegians discovered the territory they thought it would be a good place to set up shop
However, they were to lazy to build up the country so they went and enslaved the Irish and made them do the work
Eventually the vikings fucked the help and when the slave woman had her baby she had a little Icelander
So, you guilt ridden whites, my greatest of great grandma was raped by her captor....I'm spawned from slavery, too
Where's all my free stuff....oh wait, I'm white, we get things done instead of crying about it
That's right bitches....I have viking and Nazi blood in these veins..you seriously want some of me?

HERE IS ANOTHER THREATENING TO KILL the 70 year old Progressive Democrat, shows Peninsula as Posting Place, OBVIOUS the work of "Not In Berkeley" Psycho.

 RE: re2RE: Typical Troll (berkeley) (foster city)
Lets see you say this to my face. I will be at the Powell Street exit (Emeryville), Denny's parking lot at 6:00 PM This Tues. I drive a Black 2014 Ford F-350 with a Go Navy bumper sticker on it. I dare you to say what you just did to my face. I will wait there until 7:00 PM and if you don't show... well you are a coward!
Say it to my face, come one! Prove that you are manly enough to actually utter your trash talk to a mans face! Let's go buddy! You want to see what a Navy Petty officer, second class with a BS from Calif. Polytechnic can do to a phony and a fraud and loud mouth like you. I will teach you the lesson of your life there buddy!
I double dare you to show up and insult me the way you just did... be a man and be there or be a troll like you are and slither off into the grass like the snake you are!
I know you are not man enough to stand toe to toe and utter your rubbish, but I will give you a chance to stand behind your words! I will let you insult me to my face, and then it is lesson time. I hope you have health insurance, you will need it.
Put up or shut up! Stand behind your words buddy! And we will see just what kind of man you are!
A real man will stand behind what they preach! A real man will be willing to fight for what they believe in. Are you a sell out to your own words? I bet you are!
When the going gets tough, I am sure you will run away, just like a little kid looking for his mommies tit!
See you there buddy!

This is from San Francisco City, in same vein.

what I don't understand about the Democrats
Why they like to see children killed in warm blood by abortion not giving them even a second of life, and they cheer their deaths by the millions every year. Democrats fight for the right to continue killing these innocent babies. Apparently if you're not born you're worthless as well as any potential they might have. These babies aren't one of the Democrats assigned minorities, can't make money on them any other way than having them killed.

  Did you see the size of Al Gore's mansion? 30K a month power bill! (cole valley / ashbury hts)
 UM.... Al Gore has a few homes that are massive.... But yet Berkeley says nothing about them at all. In one case Al Gore pays 30K a month in his power bills, another 25K a month in ground keeping and 9K a month in water bills... But berkeley says not a damn thing about that but rips Romney for his digs. What a goon!
I am still trying to figure out why Al Gore would need so darn many mansions.... I mean is 7 not enough? But yet some how berkeley thinks Romney's one mansions is over kill... Why does berkeley not want to post about Gore's 7 mansions?
Here are just three of Gore's homes... I am not going to bother posting all 7... this gets the point across very nicely!
Sorry berkeley, you are a goon, a troll and a total partisan hack!
Another from SAME EVIL MONSTER who SEEKS TO MURDER 70 YEAR OLD Progressive Poster from Berkeley. Peninsula 

This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. And send it on to everyone. Maybe this is why muslims in American are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.
Can a good Muslim be a good American?
This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:
Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is t o Allah, The moon god of Arabia.
Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)
Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )
Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam can not co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.
The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!
Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

re: re what I don't understand (berkeley)

You haven't answered the question. Why do you like to see children shot in cold blood. Is it because they are brown skinned or are you just another blood thirsty American NRA member.
A VERY NASTY POSTING FROM THE FOUL POS in San Francisco, Totally uncalled for!

Re: What I Don't Understand About You Conservatives (Berkeley)
© craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap

(google map) (yahoo map)

First of all, learn how to spell conservatives. Second, I don't understand why liberal assholes like you love sucking cock and posting 50 times a day. You need to suck more cocks and get off the computer you useless POS.
 re2RE: Typical Troll (berkeley)

Navy? That's where uneducated rubes go. If indeed you are "Puerto Rican" and "Gay" then you're a sell out for staying in the "closet" and not defending your Caribbean home from Capitalist Americanization like Cuba has done.
 RE: RE: Typical Troll (berkeley) (foster city)

If you are addressing me you idiot, I am from Puerto Rico and I am ethnically a Puerto Rican American, my skin is NOT white buddy! I joined the US Navy and served for 6 years and was proud to do so, even thought I had to stay in the closet to serve.

I am not white, not from Texas and I happen to be gay (been with my partner of 11 years now) thus I live in the Bay Area and not in my homeland of Puerto Rico. My partner is from Nicaragua.

It is you that spews hate buddy! I will repeat myself once again, if you stood right in front of my face and said the things you say here while hiding behind your computer screen, I'd kick your ass! Word's mean something and I will hold you accountable for the hateful and mean things you would say. I dare you to says your hateful spew to my face! I dare you! Like the army man said, you are a coward. You are a TROLL and people like you make this Democrat sick!!!!!!! It really irks me that people like you can get away with the posting of hateful statements without being checked. Do it to my face and you will be checked and it will be the last time you spew the hate you do here! You will have learned, you spew hate like you do, you will pay for it!


Looks like we found another white bully apologist with racist /homophobic tendencies. Go back to Texas and spew your hate there
Friends you just don't get it
Berkeley is an old socially dysfunctional progressive and posting to him directly is a waste of time, he wants to you read your anger because he feeds off of it, he's angry for the World leaving him behind!
Rather than post to him, post at what he says if you feel the need and leave him out of it, he'll feel overlooked.
  Typical Bully GOP hypocrate Jeb Bush (berkeley)
Jeb Bush like so many rich Republikkkans bullied and beat small children while in his whites only elitist prep school.

Typical TROLL: Typical Bully GOP hypocrate Jeb Bush (berkeley) (foster city)
OMG what a troll! So now we are going after someone that was 14 years old. I think the Army dude that would teach you a lesson if you had the balls to stand in front of him really should kick your ASS!
You are about as low of a human can get.
Let me dig into your teen years, I am sure I can find something on you! Better yet, LETS GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO YOUR TEETHING YEARS! I AM SURE I CAN FIND SOMEONE THAT YOU STOLE A TOY FROM AND MADE THEM CRY!
What a piece of shit you and your ilk are! The man was a teen!
Let's see here.... you have said nothing about Obama's teen years, you have said nothing about Clinton's teen years! And you have said nothing about Mrs. Clinton's teen years! But now you only go after a boy who grew up and want to run for president.
I tell you.... I agree with the Army dude... if you stood in front of me and ran off at the mouth like this, I would kick your ass was well. You need to be taught a lesson, you need to be held accountable for your insanely stupid and vile statements here.
You only run off at the mouth here because you can do so and hide behind your keyboard and computer screen, come out into the public and say that stuff in front of me, to my face and I am sure you will learn an extremely valuable lesson i.e. words have meaning and words matter when you are an adult.
I dare you to run off like you do in front of me, I double dare you!
I am a democrat and I am sick of you pal! You turn me stomach and you are what makes me dislike politics so damn much, along the the sick tea party extremist as well.
 Snipers signed up to participate in a genocidal war (berkeley)


re: Snipers signed up to participate in a genocidal war (berkeley)
No, you got that wrong 'berkeley'.
Don't you remember, it was your Wehrmacht daddy who participated in the genocidal war.
'Berkeley', the socialist son of a national socialist.
That apple didn't fall far from the tree.
imwit Socialist Berkeley IS the Village Idiot.. (Deport him back to Germany)

We should take up a collection to buy our CL village idiot Berkeley a one way ticket back to Germany.. where he can defend the wonderful muslims.. with the rest of the communists over there who favor open borders and censoring and silencing the majority of Europeans who've had enough of the anti-west and destructive muslim invaders.=============================

RE: Typical Troll (berkeley)

Looks like we found another white bully apologist with racist /homophobic tendencies. Go back to Texas and spew your hate there


Typical TROLL: Typical Bully GOP hypocrate Jeb Bush (berkeley) (foster city)
OMG what a troll! So now we are going after someone that was 14 years old. I think the Army dude that would teach you a lesson if you had the balls to stand in front of him really should kick your ASS!
You are about as low of a human can get.
Let me dig into your teen years, I am sure I can find something on you! Better yet, LETS GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO YOUR TEETHING YEARS! I AM SURE I CAN FIND SOMEONE THAT YOU STOLE A TOY FROM AND MADE THEM CRY!
What a piece of shit you and your ilk are! The man was a teen!
Let's see here.... you have said nothing about Obama's teen years, you have said nothing about Clinton's teen years! And you have said nothing about Mrs. Clinton's teen years! But now you only go after a boy who grew up and want to run for president.
I tell you.... I agree with the Army dude... if you stood in front of me and ran off at the mouth like this, I would kick your ass was well. You need to be taught a lesson, you need to be held accountable for your insanely stupid and vile statements here.
You only run off at the mouth here because you can do so and hide behind your keyboard and computer screen, come out into the public and say that stuff in front of me, to my face and I am sure you will learn an extremely valuable lesson i.e. words have meaning and words matter when you are an adult.
I dare you to run off like you do in front of me, I double dare you!
I am a democrat and I am sick of you pal! You turn me stomach and you are what makes me dislike politics so damn much, along the the sick tea party extremist as well.
